Archery: the sport of legends

Archery (from the Latin word ‘arcus’ meaning ‘bow and arrow’) is a sport that dates back to the Stone Age. Archaeologists have uncovered stone arrow tips that date back to more than 50,000 years ago when archery was used in hunting and warfare. The Egyptians created wooden bows, tipped with animal horns and held together with animal sinew and glue, from which arrows could be fired over 400 yards and penetrate armor.

Right on target

The art of hitting a target from a distance is no mean feat and the bow and arrow have long been associated with some of the greatest mythological and film heroes of our time, from Cupid, the god of love, to William Tell and Robin Hood. The sport requires exquisite skill, a steady aim, and years of practice to become an expert but it’s easy to get started and highly addictive once you get going… there’s a reason that the ancient art of archery has lived on through the centuries.

At Adventure Sports, we offer archery lessons against 100 acres of beautiful surroundings on grounds that were once owned by Warwick Castle – a site protected by archers throughout history. It was the British people back in 1780 who started a major revival of archery as a sport for the upper class. Back then it was a privilege of the posh and wealthy and often came with all the trimmings including flags and ceremony. Some archery clubs today still make traditional felt clothing and feathered caps a mandatory uniform for members.

We retain the tradition of the sport but do not require traditional dress! Instead, we request that our archers wear suitable clothing, including a waterproof jacket, flexible upper bodywear to allow easy arm movement, and sensible footwear – wellington boots are ideal but trainers or walking boots are also acceptable. We see archery as a fun and team-building exercise that offers a real sense of progression and achievement for every participant. The sport has an easy entry-level and, with the guidance of our experienced instructors, every archer can quickly build up their skills. Many of our sportsmen find themselves entering our archery competitions soon after their very first try with the bow and arrow.

Into battle

We teach contemporary archery as it has been practiced in England since the 14th century. The longbow was an important weapon in the well-known historic battles of Crecy, Poitiers, and Agincourt. Between 1330 and 1414, English kings banned all other sports so that men could perfect their skills and the British could boast the largest army of archers.

Our sessions include an hour-long session with an experienced instructor with full tuition on the art of using a recurve longbow (otherwise known as a regular bow and arrow!) All participants will learn how to hold a bow, aim, and shoot at a full-size archery target. Archer will have the chance to use practice arrows to master the basics before moving on to a competition round. All of our past participants have been astounded at how quickly their accuracy and ability improve with patience and practice.

In their early days, bows and arrows were very basic but today you’ll find many types, including compound bows, cable-backed bows, longbows, and flatbows. In prehistoric times, arrows were made from flint but now they can be made of anything from wood, bamboo, fiberglass, or other composite materials. We work with aluminum-shafted arrows. Adventure Sports offers a beautiful and relaxing place within which to learn this legendary sport and life-changing skill. Archery is part of the Olympics and has spawned famous figures such as Kenny Allen and Pippa Britton, who are part of the GB Paralympics team. We would love to demonstrate what all the fuss is about...

If you want to know more please just give us a call at 01926 491 948 or read more on the archery page at our site: